more diverse


Harmony between
humans, animals and plants


is the key

We would like to open

“As permaculture (from the term “permanent (agri) culture” derived suitcase word; “permanent agriculture” or “permanent culture”) is originally a sustainable concept for agriculture and horticulture, which is based on natural ecosystems and cycles in nature observe and imitate. The concept was designed by the Australian Bill Mollison together with his student David Holmgren in the 1970s. In 1981 he received the Right Livelihood Award for his work. Permaculture has developed from an agricultural design method to an ecological philosophy of life and a global grassroots movement. Holmgren now describes permaculture as a culture of sustainable living and land use. In Europe, permaculture is practiced in private house gardens as well as on medium-sized farms.”

What´s a

Permaculture Garden

This is a form of the holistic design of nature-living spaces that are used and respected equally by humans, animals and plants. It is a very old and successful way of managing and managing natural resources. One goal is to have as little (especially fossil) energy as possible and as little intervention as possible in the gardens. This is achieved, for example, through planned combinations of different plants that support each other and the selection of the right location. By creating height differences and using the natural topography of the country, the natural flow of water and gravity can be used in the best possible way. Small water basins or biotopes store the precious well.
Integrated into a food forest, a tree is used to provide shade for more sun-sensitive plants, or a hedge is used as a wind protection measure. This planning of the garden is important before the implementation and such combinations should be considered.


easy to understand

In principle, permaculture is easy to understand if you see with your eyes and heart, but difficult to describe in words. you
are based on the forest ecosystem in which – from tall trees to plants, many of which grow underground, promote and support each other. A large amount of plant material is produced in such a garden every day – without the need for external fertilization and energy. This material is, for example, fallen leaves. These in turn provide habitats for small animals and insects and are converted into fertile soil by them and microorganisms. The food forest is a closed ecosystem. Permaculture is based on this model and thereby creates “edible ecosystems”, be it on a small scale in the home garden or on a large scale as a food forest.

Inspired by Nature




An important principle is a large mix of different plants and a balanced variety. In contrast to a monoculture garden, where different fertilizers and pesticides are used to ensure unhindered growth, the focus in permaculture is holistic. This means that many plants and a natural, small-scale crop rotation do not “suck up” the soil or that the chickens move freely in the garden and thereby loosen the soil and pests eat instects and do not take them out of hand.

In addition, they also fertilize the soil and add important nutrients to it. It depends less on the multitude of individual species than on the multitude of useful connections that exist between plants and animals. A permaculture garden is therefore a network of beneficial connections, where as much as possible regulates, regenerates and supports itself and the gardener has to make as little effort as possible.


The principles of organic agriculture also apply to permaculture, i.e. the circular economy: the renunciation of synthetic-chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, permaculture goes a few steps further than organic farming, as this is dependent on e.g. the use of machines and thus on fossil energy. These machines also often damage the susceptible layers of soil and additionally compact the earth. In addition, monoculture is often used in organic farming, as this increases productivity and also makes harvesting easier. Organic farming cannot meet the permaculture principle of sustainable efficiency either. Permaculture is more than just gardening or farming.

It is a way of the heart and conscience.
There are no standard instructions, it is much more about observing and experimenting.

David Holmgrades

12 principles

1. Observe and Interact

Work with nature and not against it!


 Through constant and careful observation and the creation and support of natural processes, you stimulate your garden to grow and also support you with a well thought-out interplay of various elements of the newly created system.

2. Catch and Store Energy

Since the beginning of the commercial use of agricultural land and the rediscovery and now also sensibly used energy sources such as water, soil humus, seeds and own compost, permaculture has been redefined.

This is an important (survival) natural resource for all cultures. In today’s world with advancing climate change, it is important to reconsider. The natural resources available to us are finite! We have to store them as best as possible and be able to access them when needed without using chemicals. It’s the ongoing devastation, the fallow and starved soils that are covered with monoculture to provide new nutrients and revive life


Local and regional independence is the motto.

3. Obtain a Yield

Harvesting allowed! And even desired!


Such a garden plant and the maintenance of high-yielding systems inspires more and more people all over the world. Successful permaculture systems will spread. The best way to private and communal self-sufficiency.

4. Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback

With as little work as possible to the greatest possible success!


In permaculture systems, a lot regulates itself – these processes are also called productive feedback loops. It is important to recognize these loops and use them for yourself. The less it is necessary to intervene in an existing healthy system, the lower the likelihood of disrupting this sensitive symbiosis and creating more work due to the consequential damage it causes.

5. Use and Value Renewable Resources

Convert finite energy into infinite energy!


The system can be strengthened and development and growth can be stimulated and steered in the right direction through the careful but purposeful use and application of renewable resources. Everything has its job. Whether sun, wind, water, insects,

 and organic biomass. As the garden ages, attempts are made to forego non-renewable energies such as fossil fuels in cultivation.

6. Produce No Waste

No Waste!


All waste that normally occurs is avoided as far as possible, materials are reused and reused as often as possible: refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle is the motto

7. Design nature Patterns to Details

Take a look and learn from nature!


Successful design first requires an understanding of the overarching patterns in nature. The planned details of a permaculture project take these naturally occurring patterns into account and are largely based on them. As an example, top-down thinking, in which the tasks of shade and nitrogen donor form the basis of life for the plants growing underneath. Or gravity is used for irrigation.

This reinforces the bottom-up pattern, which enables the plants to grow and develop under the protection of their larger conspecifics.

8. Integrate Rather than Segregate

In groups instead of singles! 


Many different elements that can work together and support each other are more useful than those that largely stand alone and thus compete with each other. Here it is better to fill gaps and save the soil.

9. Use Small and Slow Solutions

Nature takes its time!


In the natural environment, nature develops small and slow solution strategies to ensure survival and to adapt to new circumstances. These systems are also easier to understand for humans and, although less profitable in the short term, they are more productive and healthier in the long term.

10. Use and Value Diversity

Use diversity for yourself and preserve it in the long term! Many different fruits and vegetables increase the reliability. Because in a permaculture garden you have to learn that there are animals that appreciate the fruit as much as you do. Be it the bird that eats your berries or the mouse that eats its fill on the beetroot. All living things in your garden should live in balance. That is why the rich variety is so important and this in turn enables a long-term self-organization of your garden.

11. Use Edges and Value the Marginal

Thinking outside the box! 


Many different conditions come together at the transition and edge zones of your garden. That makes them particularly diverse and therefore productive. Because it is not just because a bed ends that it has to be limited. It can also merge seamlessly into the next, and bushes or stones offer a habitat here to accommodate the predators of various pests.

12. Creatively Use and Respond to Change

Respond to circumstances and excesses!


Nature is constantly changing. If we foresee change, we can use it to benefit us. Because every season creates the right conditions for a whole range of different plants; Every crisis is also an opportunity, because the climatic changes make the cultivation of new exotic cultures possible. This is a new diversity that enables us to respond to.


Process your successes!


When the tomato harvest overwhelms you with the delicious red fruits, cook them for the winter and create a foundation. The lemons provide you the lemonade and the potatoes the energy for your daily challenges with your own little habitat

permaculture in practice



An important principle is a large mix of different plants and a balanced variety. In contrast to a monoculture garden, where different fertilizers and pesticides are used to ensure unhindered growth, the focus in permaculture is holistic. This means that many plants and a natural, small-scale crop rotation do not “suck up” the soil or that the chickens move freely in the garden and thereby loosen the soil and pests eat instects and do not take them out of hand.

In addition, they also fertilize the soil and add important nutrients to it. It depends less on the multitude of individual species than on the multitude of useful connections that exist between plants and animals. A permaculture garden is therefore a network of beneficial connections, where as much as possible regulates, regenerates and supports itself and the gardener has to make as little effort as possible.


The principles of organic agriculture also apply to permaculture, i.e. the circular economy: the renunciation of synthetic-chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, permaculture goes a few steps further than organic farming, as this is dependent on e.g. the use of machines and thus on fossil energy. These machines also often damage the susceptible layers of soil and additionally compact the earth. In addition, monoculture is often used in organic farming, as this increases productivity and also makes harvesting easier. Organic farming cannot meet the permaculture principle of sustainable efficiency either. Permaculture is more than just gardening or farming.

It is a way of the heart and conscience.
There are no standard instructions, it is much more about observing and experimenting.

Fruit Tress


The center of the habitat is a lush food forest over several levels. This has an integrated permaculture garden. More infos are in  project Foodforest



An important principle is a large mix of different plants and a balanced variety. In contrast to a monoculture garden, where different fertilizers and pesticides are used to ensure unhindered growth, the focus in permaculture is holistic. This means that many plants and a natural, small-scale crop rotation do not “suck up” the soil or that the chickens move freely in the garden and thereby loosen the soil and pests eat instects and do not take them out of hand.

In addition, they also fertilize the soil and add important nutrients to it. It depends less on the multitude of individual species than on the multitude of useful connections that exist between plants and animals. A permaculture garden is therefore a network of beneficial connections, where as much as possible regulates, regenerates and supports itself and the gardener has to make as little effort as possible.


The principles of organic agriculture also apply to permaculture, i.e. the circular economy: the renunciation of synthetic-chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, permaculture goes a few steps further than organic farming, as this is dependent on e.g. the use of machines and thus on fossil energy. These machines also often damage the susceptible layers of soil and additionally compact the earth. In addition, monoculture is often used in organic farming, as this increases productivity and also makes harvesting easier. Organic farming cannot meet the permaculture principle of sustainable efficiency either. Permaculture is more than just gardening or farming.

It is a way of the heart and conscience.
There are no standard instructions, it is much more about observing and experimenting.



Inspired and close to Nature

Keeping your stay as natural as possible and giving nature its freedom are our top priorities. The center is our large, newly created food forest with an integrated permaculture garden. This feeds us and our guests seasonally all year round and sometimes helps to maintain the sensitive ecosystem and ensure sustainable holidays. Live in harmony with nature. We present ourselves inspired by nature

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Nature Habitation

Wake up in nature and start the day relaxed and not have to think about what is coming next and just let yourself go. This is vacation. Combineted with a luxury and confortable Loudge you will fell like in a other world.

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Plant Based

The idea and definition of Plant Based is to avoid animal products as much as possible, but not only to eat purely vegetarian. Those who eat a plant-based diet also largely avoid animal products, but follow a different motivation. For plant-based eaters, natural, unprocessed products made from the original plants are simply the stars. So vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fruits and nuts. In addition there is also the seasonal and regional production and processing. We want to guarantee this as much as possible in our habitat by growing and processing many on our own land and then gladly serving them to you. Products that have to be bought in are carefully selected and sourced regionally. This is our promise to you to show you the whole variety of flavors that our nature has in store for us.
Grab it and enjoy


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Homemade Food and Products

These vine and climbing plants grow vertically over several layers, depending on how they are trained and directed. They are a great way to get greater productivity in a small space. Pergolas scaffolding and different trunks of trees are used as climbing aids to the same extent and depending on their accessibility for harvesting.


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Homemade Products

Tourists cause around fourteen percent of the world’s municipal waste – according to an estimate by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This puts a particular strain on those municipalities whose economy is largely based on tourism. Europe is particularly affected: of the one point one billion tourist arrivals worldwide, six hundred million come from Europe alone (UNWTO estimate).


Let’s start rethinking and living sustainable tourism


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No waste

Tourists cause around fourteen percent of the world’s municipal waste – according to an estimate by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This puts a particular strain on those municipalities whose economy is largely based on tourism. Europe is particularly affected: of the one point one billion tourist arrivals worldwide, six hundred million come from Europe alone (UNWTO estimate).


Let’s start rethinking and living sustainable tourism


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No Chemicals

Tourists cause around fourteen percent of the world’s municipal waste – according to an estimate by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This puts a particular strain on those municipalities whose economy is largely based on tourism. Europe is particularly affected: of the one point one billion tourist arrivals worldwide, six hundred million come from Europe alone (UNWTO estimate).


Let’s start rethinking and living sustainable tourism


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Save Water

Theire is a overlap with the Herbaceous and Groundcover Layer.

 The main task of this level is to protect the soil from drying out and to hold back all water and ensure a healthy earth climate. It fills gaps in the forest and some parts tolerates foot traffic


This layer is the home of the root crops. There is a great variety of edible roots that many people are not yet aware of. Particularly old root vegetables that have been forgotten find their place here. Many of these plants can be used in the herb, grapevine / climbing layer, and ground cover / creeping layer.

Fruit Tress


The center of the habitat is a lush food forest over several levels. This has an integrated permaculture garden. More infos are in  project Foodforest



Camping and Luxury is the new vacation that gives the feeling of belonging and belonging and belonging to the free.
These are the characteristics of our lodges, which have been furnished with great attention to detail

Zelt innen3

Plant Based

We grow a variety of foods in our garden, which can also be found on our breakfast buffet. The eggs cannot be fresher than the daily delivered from the nest of your own happy chickens. The smell off Homemade Bread. and The goats provide the milk for the cheese and yoghurt products.  Bees are working in an intact Habitat for our own honey. Homemade Iceteas and Juices are available to you all day. If you get hungry, there are different bowls rich in energy. A wide range of drinks and regional wines complete this offer. 




We grow a variety of foods in our garden, which can also be found on our breakfast buffet. The eggs cannot be fresher than the daily delivered from the nest of your own happy chickens. The smell off Homemade Bread. and The goats provide the milk for the cheese and yoghurt products.  Bees are working in an intact Habitat for our own honey. Homemade Iceteas and Juices are available to you all day. If you get hungry, there are different bowls rich in energy. A wide range of drinks and regional wines complete this offer. 


richtig einlegen lernen


We want to try to use all resources available to us in the best possible and conscientious manner. This means that we create a cycle that largely avoids or reduces waste in the overall concept. The own production of food makes a big contribution to this. Natural materials are composted and returned to nature. This cycle brings new food and this, in combination with regional purchasing, can drastically reduce waste production. We avoid PVC bottles and plastic products as much as possible.

Your sustainable stay is guaranteed!




We grow a variety of foods in our garden, which can also be found on our breakfast buffet. The eggs cannot be fresher than the daily delivered from the nest of your own happy chickens. The smell off Homemade Bread. and The goats provide the milk for the cheese and yoghurt products.  Bees are working in an intact Habitat for our own honey. Homemade Iceteas and Juices are available to you all day. If you get hungry, there are different bowls rich in energy. A wide range of drinks and regional wines complete this offer. 




We grow a variety of foods in our garden, which can also be found on our breakfast buffet. The eggs cannot be fresher than the daily delivered from the nest of your own happy chickens. The smell off Homemade Bread. and The goats provide the milk for the cheese and yoghurt products.  Bees are working in an intact Habitat for our own honey. Homemade Iceteas and Juices are available to you all day. If you get hungry, there are different bowls rich in energy. A wide range of drinks and regional wines complete this offer. 


BE a


We grow a variety of foods in our garden, which can also be found on our breakfast buffet. The eggs cannot be fresher than the daily delivered from the nest of your own happy chickens. The smell off Homemade Bread. and The goats provide the milk for the cheese and yoghurt products.  Bees are working in an intact Habitat for our own honey. Homemade Iceteas and Juices are available to you all day. If you get hungry, there are different bowls rich in energy. A wide range of drinks and regional wines complete this offer. 




Required fields are followed by *


One of the most important issues for healthy soil is the composting of organic matter. We have created several composters for this purpose, which are filled with green waste, branches and kitchen waste. We also have dry toilets for our visitors, with which we can produce important nitrogenous fertilizers. This earth is added to the plants and trees as humus and fertilizer and gives nature the strength to grow

Holz brennt

active coal production


Compost Toilett



The mission

What we do


remove the monoculture and
restore growingzones


Planing different growingzones based on permaculture


The most beautiful work is planting and watch nature growing

water protection

We use the importent resource Water with care and try to protect it in the soil as possible we can

main INfo

Question & Answer

in the summer of 2019 we started to recultivate a land in a valley and make the soil fertile again. Around 5000 square metres of blackberries were removed. The old stock of citrus fruit trees was tended and the slopes were newly terraced.

There is a food forest with hundreds of different fruit trees that protect the earth from erosion and devastation. These trees provide the necessary protection from the sun. Herbs and fruits can grow below in the shrub level, protected from the heat. These also secure the slopes and serve as an important source of nitrogen as green manure for the vital humus. The resulting gaps are filled with vegetables to create a species-rich permaculture garden. The resulting microclimate keeps the moisture in the forest and releases it into the atmosphere to be absorbed by the leaves. 

Our earth is very clayey due to the nature of the soil. The unprotected areas exposed to the sun are therefore very dry and lifeless in summer. Important microorganisms are missing to keep the earth alive.

 This is why planting is all the more important to protect the earth and also to create a habitat for microorganisms and insects.

Only living soil is good soil

our fertilizer is made in different ways. On the one hand, important fertilizer arises from clippings that are left lying around and do their work as a foundation.

We use dry toilet toilets to compost human “waste” and return it to nature.

We also have chickens, goats and a donkey. These animals provide us with important manure that we incorporate into the composting process


The aim is to create a walkable, edible forest. We want to be able to provide for our guests and ourselves as much as possible. Our guests should hike through this forest and learn and find out more about the biodiversity from signs and descriptions.

Become a member

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.
Sandy Löfgren
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque.
Lorin Eklund
Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
Rebeca Bengts
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque.
Julie Nilsson
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque.
Pascal Norberh
Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
Hiba Lund

A joint venture with our partners

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